A lilac that won't bloom

Your lilac just won't bloom? This could be caused by various factors. For a lilac to bloom in abundance, it must be planted in a rich, compost-amended soil that drains well, and in a sunny location.

The absence of flowers may also be caused by inadequate pruning. Do not prune your lilac at the end of the summer or in the fall to avoid eliminating the flower buds that have already formed for the following year. Pruning lilacs is not necessary, but if you do it, know that the best time is right after it has bloomed.

Simply eliminate the wilted flowers by cutting directly above the first pair of leaves. If despite all that your lilac still refuses to bloom, I recommend spreading a little fertilizer at its base in the spring. Use PRO-MIX organic-based Flower Boost Garden Fertilizer 12-28-12. Also, avoid fertilizing your lawn with nitrogen-rich fertilizers within 3-4 metres of your lilac. You can also stimulate flowering by trimming your lilac's root tips with a well-sharpened spade.

The distance from the trunk should be equivalent to the width of the leaf crown.

Par Albert Mondor spécialiste horticulture

By Albert Mondor, horticulturist


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