Benefits of mycorrhizae for your plants and trees

For several years now, climate change has been a hot topic in all sorts of media, and it's no wonder, considering the environmental and economic issues associated with it. In this context, the lack of water and the survival of plants become more and more critical and costly.

mycorrhizae benefits for plants

Using mycorrhizae (or mycorrhizal fungi) is a relatively cheap and very effective solution to promote the long-term survival of a crop. Adding some to the soil of a plant, tree or shrub will play a crucial role in the conservation of water and health of your plants, especially for trees and shrubs that have a a longer life cycle than annuals.


Mycorrhizae: a symbiotic relationship between a microscopic fungi that is established with the roots of plants. A network of hyphae develops in the soil, and those extremely fine filaments, resembling the threads of a spider web, extend around the roots.



Mycorrhizal fungi are a major component of the soil's natural microflora, but they are not present in all soils. Furthermore, human activity greatly reduces the number of mycorrhizal propagules contained in the soil. Several formulations are offered on the market and are available, among others, in independent garden centers.


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The effects of mycorrhizae are even greater when a plant is subjected to a stressful situation. The higher the stress, the more the plant will rely on the cultural support provided by mycorrhizae.

This allows the plant to access nutrients otherwise inaccessible to the roots and some elements such as phosphorus. Also, certain minor elements are more easily absorbed by the plant in the presence of mycorrhizae.

Finally, mycorrhizae make plants more resistant to various stresses (planting, drought, heat) and enable them to maintain a good growing rate.


by Susan Parent, biologist at Premier Tech


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